Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Spring 2010 Edition -- Oh Bandai...

Howdy, people!

So, what did you think of the podcast?  YOU DIDN'T LISTEN TO IT?!?!  It's only ~38 minutes!  Oh, you did listen to it?  Great!  Well, I've gotten to punching up the outline for our next episode so look forward to that in the next few days.  Heads up, we're talking about Naruto.

Oh, the post title?  Well...

So Bandai...they're a North American anime distributor has had a rough few years.  They've had numerous delays of new products, new products with no dubs produced in order to save money, basically they're just trying to stay afloat.  I like to give them my money because they overall do a good job and I want them to stick around.  If you kept up with my blog, you know I was looking to buy stuff last month when there was a sale on all their stuff and I ended up ordering the Lucky Star Complete Collection Anime Legends box set.

See, the set is cheaper than buying the remaining 5 discs that I need so the box was the best way to go.  This box, as with other Anime Legends sets, is most likely just a box with the original single disc prints inserted.  Shouldn't be hard to release, right?  Well, it was "released" yesterday.  I say that with quotations because my pre-order is currently on back-order and they are waiting for more to show up.  What about other retailers?  Best Buy has it for cheaper than TRSI's discount price...but it's currently on back-order as well.

Lucky Star is a good show and, from what I can observe, popular among the otaku so it's reasonable for this set to sell a few to the guys like me who waited and didn't buy any/all of the single releases.  But it's not something that's in super-high demand and not being able to fulfill pre-orders at the very least tells me that they don't have the product ready, but I haven't heard anything about an official delay of the set.

*Sigh* C'mon Bandai, it can't be that tough for you, can it?  Don't tell me this love affair is over...

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