Monday, April 12, 2010

Oh Those Silly Otaku! The Podcast has its second episode up!

Hey, my podcast has a new episode.  Hurrah for our Death Note discussion episode spectacular!  I know, it's super early on Monday, but I just really wanted to get it out there!  I hope we can get more listeners and I would LOVE to hear from you guys.

You can email us at "Oh Those Silly Otaku! The Podcast" at with questions and comments.  Since we're pretty new I'm pretty sure you've got a good chance of getting your email read on our next show (which also may or may not actually be our Naruto episode).

Subscribe to the feed in your browser or, better yet, your entertainment media manager (I don't know how iTunes works, but for Zune you just have to subscribe with a URL) and add to your podcast subscriptions!  That way you can get new episodes the instant they go up!

Remember, email us at!!!!

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