Monday, April 26, 2010

Spring 2010 Edition -- Detour, etc.

Ahh, the wonders of an anime convention.  Time with friends, meeting new people, learning new things about the industry and great shows/manga you love at panels, and lots of spending.

Why don't we start with the spending part?  Here's my haul for this year:

Tenchi Universe Figures Series One and Two (Series 3 was sold out.  Rightly so, it had Ryoko, Mihoshi, and Nagi)

My little Dragon Ball Kai Trunks phone charm with attached sword.  It's on my phone as we speak.

@kynaru bought me this AWESOME Shenlong piggy bank.  Perfect for all my tip change! Can't wait to show up to the bank with this puppy :D

A couple of different Dragon Ball Z gashapon figures.  Neat-o collection additions.

And my cute little Son Gohan keychain which, yes, is with my keys right now.

Yeah, that's all the stuff I got myself, but I also was charged with buying some stuff for my supervisor from work and got her a bunch of stuff.  FUN TIMES!!!

Panel-wise, I attended a few of them this year.  

Zombies Pwn Your Anime: a panel where debate is waged on whether or not your favorite anime could stand up to a zombie apocalypse

.hack// Discussion Forum: sitting down and getting a run down on what the series is, how to go about exploring it, and discussing some of the interesting points behind the series.

Team Fourstar Panel: Lanipator from Team Fourstar talked a lot about what goes on behind the legendary Team Fourstar and premiered Yu Yu Hakusho Abridged ep 18 as well as a preview of DBZ Abridged 14.  AWESOME GUY!!!

Other than that, there was food, hanging out in the hotel and blowing through Bleach season one in 3 days, and LOTS of TF2 cosplay sillyness.

Well-run con this time around.  Great job to all the AD staff!  Hoping they can figure out their dilemma with dealers room and main stage next year.  Hurrah!

Don't forget to check out Oh Those Silly Otaku! and it's podcast.  New episode will be up tonight (I hope -.-) 

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Spring 2010 Edition -- Anime Spectacle Spectacular!

Yo ho, everyone!!

Checked out the podcast yet?  Make sure to check back early tomorrow morning for our next episode.  We're talking about Outlaw Star this go around.  As always, these discussions contain spoilers, but it's over 10 years old at this point.  Watch it (LEGALLY) and come back to listen.

Whew!  Tons of anime stuffages this week.  To start off, I got my Lucky Star set early last week YAY!!!!  Apparently Bandai didn't have enough to fulfill distributor demands on release day, but RightStuf got another shipment on Thursday and then it was mine.  I got through the first 2 discs, one episode to go on disc 3 and then the rest.  Watching it was going smoothly until something else came along.  What is it?



Yeah, so that's gonna keep me busy for a bit.  20ish episodes of Shonen awesomeness!  Now to just get Andrew off of WoW to watch it with me LOL

Oh yeah, and a local anime convention, Anime Detour, is happening this week and your's truly will be there enjoying the awesomeness that is an anime con.  I'll be looking for some One Piece and Dragon Ball CD's, charms/keychains and posters.  Horrah!  And if some figures catch my eye and I can't live without them and they're a cheap price, those will also be mine.

Will update you afterward with my awesome loot.  Back to trying to get Andrew in on the One Piece sweetness.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Oh Those Silly Otaku! The Podcast has its second episode up!

Hey, my podcast has a new episode.  Hurrah for our Death Note discussion episode spectacular!  I know, it's super early on Monday, but I just really wanted to get it out there!  I hope we can get more listeners and I would LOVE to hear from you guys.

You can email us at "Oh Those Silly Otaku! The Podcast" at with questions and comments.  Since we're pretty new I'm pretty sure you've got a good chance of getting your email read on our next show (which also may or may not actually be our Naruto episode).

Subscribe to the feed in your browser or, better yet, your entertainment media manager (I don't know how iTunes works, but for Zune you just have to subscribe with a URL) and add to your podcast subscriptions!  That way you can get new episodes the instant they go up!

Remember, email us at!!!!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Oh Those Silly Otaku! The Podcast has it's own place!

Here is where you can find all our wonderful exploits in podcastery.  Listen, subscribe, spread the word!  New episodes on Mondays!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Spring 2010 Edition -- Oh Bandai...

Howdy, people!

So, what did you think of the podcast?  YOU DIDN'T LISTEN TO IT?!?!  It's only ~38 minutes!  Oh, you did listen to it?  Great!  Well, I've gotten to punching up the outline for our next episode so look forward to that in the next few days.  Heads up, we're talking about Naruto.

Oh, the post title?  Well...

So Bandai...they're a North American anime distributor has had a rough few years.  They've had numerous delays of new products, new products with no dubs produced in order to save money, basically they're just trying to stay afloat.  I like to give them my money because they overall do a good job and I want them to stick around.  If you kept up with my blog, you know I was looking to buy stuff last month when there was a sale on all their stuff and I ended up ordering the Lucky Star Complete Collection Anime Legends box set.

See, the set is cheaper than buying the remaining 5 discs that I need so the box was the best way to go.  This box, as with other Anime Legends sets, is most likely just a box with the original single disc prints inserted.  Shouldn't be hard to release, right?  Well, it was "released" yesterday.  I say that with quotations because my pre-order is currently on back-order and they are waiting for more to show up.  What about other retailers?  Best Buy has it for cheaper than TRSI's discount price...but it's currently on back-order as well.

Lucky Star is a good show and, from what I can observe, popular among the otaku so it's reasonable for this set to sell a few to the guys like me who waited and didn't buy any/all of the single releases.  But it's not something that's in super-high demand and not being able to fulfill pre-orders at the very least tells me that they don't have the product ready, but I haven't heard anything about an official delay of the set.

*Sigh* C'mon Bandai, it can't be that tough for you, can it?  Don't tell me this love affair is over...

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Spring 2010 Edition -- A podcast?!

Sorry, sorry I haven't updated since March 12th.  I really didn't mean for such an extended break.  Can I make it up to you?  Can I?  I think I have something you might enjoy!

This episode we decided to talk and discuss The Slayers.  And not just The Slayers, but Slayers NEXT and Slayers TRY.  Good stuff!

Do you like anime?  Do you like discussions on anime?  Do you like discussions on anime that involve Oprah,  Hulk Hogan, Pocari Sweat, cleavage, and obscure internet history lessons?  Then please, PLEASE, give this little podcast episode I threw together with mah buddy Max.  Tell me what you think, give us some topic ideas, send in some e-mails!  That way we can get more variety in our episodes in our future endeavors!

Oh Those Silly Otaku! The Podcast episode 001

Note: yeah, I got the html wrong, its supposed to be MY BAD!