Thursday, January 28, 2010

Winter 2010 Edition -- One of those Magical Days

Hello everyone!!!

You ever have one of those days where everything awesome happens at once?

First, I finally got some money so I was able to go out and buy No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle. Yes, I have a laundry list of things to watch and play and this is only fueling the fire, but M rated games on the Wii need support and I'm voting with my dollars here (Suda51 is the man and should be appreciated for the fine products he makes).

When I called my phone banking service, I heard that I was $50 short of what I expected it to be. What happened? I haven't used my bank card in days and all my transactions were accounted for and I wouldn't have overdrafted, so what was it? I race home and check my bank account and find that I was charged something I only have one outstanding order, which isn't even scheduled for release until the 16th of February. This is RightStuf here, and when they get in their shipment of FUNimation products out the door they go, even if they are substantially early. This can only mean one thing: Dragon Box Z 2 is on its way!!!

I mean, this is Dragon Ball Z we are talking about. Of course I'm psyched to watch episodes I've seen dozens of times ^_^ And its Dragon Box quality, so I won't have to see washed out colors and be subjected to Vegeta Bukake Syndrome (although I'm sure I've got fan-art of something CLOSE to that :3). Hurrah!

[Here's what I'm talking about if you're lost}

Then I went to go check the mail and guess what was there? That's right! My replacement for Tenchi Muyo! GXP! I rip it open and the box is crisp, pristine, angelic. It's fantastic. TRSI also tossed in a special edition of Shonen Jump as well (basically a giant advertisement for subscribing to the magazine), so thanks a lot RightStuf!

So tonight I've been watching Tenchi Muyo! GXP and waiting to get Andrew away from his computer to play some NMH and excited to see a certain friend and give her a special gift ^_^

Hope to see you all soon and don't be shy about leaving comments right here on blogger. You can comment using a blogger login, livejournal, or without one at all! Just tell me what you think or what you'd like to hear from me or what you'd like to see me talk about. I'm willing to take ideas for posts, ya know!

Laterz :p

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