Monday, January 25, 2010

Winter 2010 Edition -- One Disc In [Tenchi Muyo! GXP]

I'm gonna try something here and say I'll do a review. This isn't a formal review on a series as a whole, but instead its more of a first thoughts response to a series based on the first disc. Afterall, the beginning should be enough to keep you hooked on watching more and buying more, right? Without further ado, lets get this started...
Tenchi Muyo! GXP

Technically, I'm not all the way done with disc 1 (only episode 5 eludes this review), but I wanted to at least post about something during my break. What is this show anyways?

Tenchi Muyo! GXP is a series aired on television spanning 26 episodes. It follows in the same timeline as prior OVAs (Original Video Animations that have a higher budget than television series and are intended for straight to video distribution rather than airing on a network) Tenchi Muyo! OVA 1 and 2 and Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki/OVA 3. Instead of centering on the same cast of Tenchi, Ryoko, Aeka, etc. this time around we're treated to an acquaintance of Tenchi's, Seina Yamada. He's a boy with the worst luck in the galaxy and he's just been thrown into the Galaxy Police pretty haphazardly. Now he's away from Earth and being exposed to life in space for the first time. As if that wasn't enough, he's got a huge group of girls that want all of his attention.

Yup, its a harem anime. A funny one. A really well done harem anime that isn't all about fanservice (worry not, there are cleavage shots for those of you needing fanservice in a harem anime) and keeps it going with the funny and has some really engaging characters. I'm not going to lie, I fell in love with Amane as soon as she opened her mouth.

What is a big plus here is the reuse of sound effects and and gags from the original 90's that really lets you feel at home with this series. It keeps the charm as well as the confusion that is the Tenchi franchise. Confusion you ask? Lets just say that all the characters in this show have the strangest, most convoluted family tree in the history of...well, anything.

Here's a family tree of ONE family in the series made by the people over at Tenchi Muyo Another Universe:

The series is very good so far. I'm enjoying it far more than OVA 3 which came out after GXP and was supposed to be a direct continuation of the original OVA series. This one is far more faithful and enjoyable.

If your a harem anime fan or a Tenchi fan, so far this series is a must see. Its also a very good series in general and the casual fan should really give it a shot too.

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