Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Legend of Dragonworld Saves the Day

Guess what arrives today?

Actually, that Magical Project S shot is from the first set, RightStuf only had the second, but it was cheaper than other online retailers so I snagged it while I could.  That Pretty Sammy/Mihoshi Special is also one of the last dozen that RightStuf had and since it's long since out of print, I thought I really should get it while the getting was good.  Where does that put me now?  Well, I only need Magical Project S Part 1 to complete my entire Tenchi Muyo! library.  FINALLY!!!  It really had been a dream ever since I was, oh, about 14 and got in my Malaysian VCD edited copy of the original Tenchi Muyo! OVA collection.

Let's see, what else is there?

Well, I'm on disc 2 of Dragon Box Vol. 2 and LOVING IT!  I forgot how much I really enjoy the Namek arc.  Every time I sit down to watch it and think "Okay, just get through this fast so you can get to the Ginyu and Freeza stuff," and I get 2 minutes into it and realize I love these episodes too.  Toriyama was really in his zone for writting for this arc.  Everything is so intricately interwoven and there aren't any gaping plot holes and the art (when its a good animation studio) is jaw-dropping gorgeous.  What else can I say?  I love me some Dragon Ball.

Speaking of which; I don't know how any of you (anyone actually there?) have something they enjoy so very much to the point where you can't stand to listen to other people talk about it because they don't understand it or just are talking out of there ass, but Dragon Ball is that to me.

I was sitting in class, waiting for stuff to get going.  Just sitting at my computer, doin' whatever when a couple of guys across the room start talking about Dragon idiots.  Just, everything felt so wrong.  Did I have a panic attack?  Hyperventilate?  Piss my pants?  Cry like a little girl?  No, but maybe all of those happened to the little me in my head; instead I quickly reached for my Zune and started up some Legend of Dragonworld to help save me.  Ahh, real Dragon Ball goodness without the taintedness of other non-passionate, ill-informed fans surrounding me.

I'm sure I can think of a couple of people I know that might feel/react the same way, so if you think I'm freaking off my rocker with this little story, you don't know me well :D

Hmmm...I'm sure there is more, but I'm distracted by needing to get out of this classroom in the next couple of minutes and knowing I can't watch GXP on the bus ride home since Randy the ever amazing idiot he is somehow screwed up getting the subtitles on his episodes so he'd be watching them raw if he chose to watch them today.  Sigh.  I know some would say, "This is why you should just watch it in English and you wouldn't have these problems," and yeah, that's true.  But it all comes down to personal preference and I'm too invested in these actors and their portrayal of their roles to enjoy the series any other way, even if it means not enjoying it temporarily at all.

Anyhow, guess I'm about to get kicked out, so I will see you all later!

1 comment:

  1. I have a Lupin Vegeta - your argument is invalid!
